Tv IFA FAYINA is a television station with one way and one job. The way is Jesus and the Job is to talk about him to others through words and deeds. Our motto is: Tv IFA FAYINA for life of light!. God’s word is the most effective instrument for changing this dark world to light world. The people hear and walk in the light of life. IFA(Light) means the offspring of the divine command and FAYINA(Salvation) means great deliverance from the guilt and the pollution of sin wrought out by Jesus Christ, the great salvation(Heb. 2:3, John 1:4).
Watch Tv IFA FAYINA and witness the power of God in action. God keeps giving us plenty of evidence to believe in him.
Tv IFA FAYINA Services
“God’s power is so real, authentic and forceful that it cannot be limited by time, space or circumstances.”
Apostle Getahun Emiru
As you watch Tv IFA FAYINA always you will witness: miraculous healing, powerful deliverances, Practical teachings, touching testimonies, heart-rending reconciliations, revealing prophecies, and much more.
Get ready to see what you have never seen before!
Tune in to Tv IFA FAYINA on the following satellite:
If you are watching from Africa or Parts of Europe, please use the following settings for your satellite Decoder/ receiver:
Frequency: 11555 MHz
Symbol rate: 27500 MS/s
FEC: 5/6
Polarization: Vertical
Why become a partner?
Tv IFA FAYINA partners have decided to commit themselves to the cause of Tv IFA FAYINA which is to reach a generation without faith and hope, telling the sweet story of our Lord Jesus Christ and reaching out to troubled world with his compassion and generosity.
Where does My Gift Go?
We always want the best from God, therefore when you give , you would plant the best seed you have, when you give, you are planting seeds that will be multiplied back unto you.
Partnership is the decision to give God your best. Your monthly gift of ETB 1000.00/$ 100.00/£ 40.00
/₤ 50.00/KES 5000.00 or more will support Tv IFA FAYINA as whole, including both broadcast and humanitarian aspects of the ministry.
God Bless You!